Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.
Behavioural Scientist, fairer start mission
Ghazal is a Behavioural Scientist at Nesta’s fairer start mission.
She has a strong interest in applying evidence from psychology and behavioural science to design practical solutions for real-world challenges.
Before joining Nesta, Ghazal gained experience in applying behavioural insights across various sectors, including finance, education and public policy, with a focus on improving well-being, sustainability and effective decision-making. During a master’s programme at LSE, she explored the intersection of behavioural science and technology by developing a gamified three-dimensional simulation for workplace training.
Outside of work, Ghazal enjoys reading and hiking — often accompanied by audiobooks on the trail — and spending time with friends, family and a beloved cat.
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