LSE IQ is a great, super evidence-based listen. It covers interesting topics that range from the point of social science to whether arts can change the world.
Darren Hilliard, Analyst for our healthy life mission

Nice White Parents looks at how white parents shape the school system with a focus on New York but relevance for anyone thinking about the impact of education.
Jenny Gibson, Mission Manager for our fairer start mission

99% Invisible is my go to podcast - It’s about the impact of design and architecture on our lives, especially in places we might not notice it. The episode about air conditioning is particularly interesting in relation to Nesta’s sustainable future mission, thinking about how new home technologies have shaped where and how people live.
Gigi Tennant, Research Manager in our evidence and experimentation team

Intelligence Squared covers a lot of ground for potential social changemakers. Each week they speak to a different expert to discuss topics ranging from running a sustainable business to doughnut economics.
Emily Mathieson, Web Editor in our comms team

The Economist has a podcast on science and technology. It’s perhaps a little over-optimistic but does raise interesting issues. The episode about how technology could improve diets is worth a listen and relates to the work of our healthy life mission.
Peter Baeck, Co-Head of the Centre for Collective Intelligence Design

Breaking Binaries is a good podcast for thinking about important political and social issues from a critical perspective.
Camille Stengel, Principal Researcher in the Chief Scientist Office

Data Skeptics is a great non-technical podcast on topics such as machine learning, statistics and AI that underpin social change policy.
The whole data analytics team

Our own podcast, The Mission, looks at innovative ways to tackle big social challenges. Topics range from fast food to what makes social movements successful.
Georgina Roberts, Head of Content