We have access to more technological tools than ever before – but couldn't government be more creative with what is at its disposal?

Technology has levelled-out the playing field of innovation, with people and small corporations now able to develop solutions that only large businesses or governments could have tackled in the past.

Follow organisations expert Jaideep Prabhu on a worldwide tour of what's possible in government. Drawing from examples from around the world, from India's programme to give a digital identity to a billion citizens to a Dutch programme that lets nurses operate almost entirely without management, come and explore if it’s time for government to be learning from these examples. Could it be more adaptable, inventive and make better choices?

See Professor Prabhu and Nesta’s Chief Partnerships Officer, Vicki Sellick in discussion of what could be possible.

Nesta have partnered up with independent book shop Primrose Books who are offering a discount on Jaideep Prabhu's book, How should a government be? The new levers of state power.


Jaideep Prabhu

Jaideep Prabhu is Professor of Marketing and Director of the Centre for India & Global Business at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. He has published in and is on the editorial board of leading journals such as the Journal of Marketing. He has appeared in and been profiled by the world media including BBC News24, BBC Radio 4 and Bloomberg BusinessWeek. He has consulted with executives from multinational companies including Bertelsmann, Shell, Vodafone. He is the author of three books.