About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Annual Report and Accounts 2018–19

This report celebrates the many ideas and initiatives Nesta has supported: from some of the UK’s first driverless cars to new models of theatre; from community action on climate change to technology in education. It is also a chance to reflect on how our model has evolved, particularly since becoming an independent foundation, as we now work much more in partnership with others and leverage external income to supplement our own.

Taking this longer perspective confirmed that our biggest impact has often come from working in new fields over sustained periods of time – bringing together research, grants and investment, convening to shift systems in alternative finance, people powered health or the sharing economy, and linking very targeted action to a bigger analysis of how the world needs to change.

Twenty years on Nesta plays a unique role linking big-picture change to practical projects on the ground. Our mission – to bring bold ideas to life to change the world for good – has become clearer over time. As government and politics experience unsettling times, we believe that it’s more important than ever that organisations like Nesta are able to take risks, focus on the long term and stay true to their values.

Protector's annual report for the financial year 2018 - 2019

The Nesta Trust has a protector appointed by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy with a fiduciary duty to ensure the integrity of the administration of the Trust. The current Protector is James Sinclair Taylor. The Protector prepares an annual statement for publication by Nesta (as Trustee of the Nesta Trust) setting out how the Protector's function has been exercised during the year. 

Protector's annual report for the financial year 2018 - 2019


Geoff Mulgan

Geoff Mulgan

Geoff Mulgan

Chief Executive Officer

Geoff Mulgan was Chief Executive of Nesta from 2011-2019.

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Sir John Gieve

Sir John Gieve

Sir John Gieve


Sir John Gieve is the Nesta chairman.

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