About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Analysis of primary care open data shows the potential to chart GP surgeries’ uptake of promising innovations in technologies, drugs and practices. This analysis is published today in a report – Which doctors take up promising ideas? New insights from open data – by Nesta. This research demonstrates a rising opportunity to inform practitioners and patients by making use of open data.

Using open data, the report charts where, when and which GP practices across England have taken-up promising innovations. As well as showing the varied uptake of certain proven drugs, technologies and practices by GP surgeries, the report explores how making use of open data can help people understand trends and differences in service within primary care, and inform patient and practitioner priorities and choices. As open datasets grow and become more consistent, they could be also applied to build on informative resources such as NHS Choices and the Atlas of Variation.

Which doctors take up promising ideas? New insights from open data is based on the analysis of open datasets from the Health and Social Care Information Centre, demographic data, as well as qualitative and quantitative research.  It found that all GP practices have the potential to become early adopters of innovations – but few GP practices are serial early adopters. The report’s analysis also shows:

  • No single group of GP practices were serial early adopters of all the innovations reviewed, but groups of early adopters were identified around specific types of innovations.
  • Larger GP practices are in a better position to explore and introduce new innovations, while neighbouring practices tended to have similar rates and patterns of adopting new innovations.
  • GPs rely on a range of resources to identify and learn about innovations – including informal local networks, personal relationships, and information systems. Fellow GPs and national guidance were particularly influential sources of information.
  • Local intermediaries – such as Academic Health Science Networks and Clinical Commissioning Groups – have an important role to play in the adoption process.

Professor Richard Barker OBE, director, Centre for the Advancement of Sustainable Medical Innovation (CASMI), said: "It's widely accepted that the NHS does not adopt effective new technologies fast enough. This study points the way to better performance. The recently-formed AHSNs have an important role to play. Building on the lessons in this is report, they can champion earlier adoption of important new medicines, diagnostics and IT tools."

As well showing the potential value that analysing open data can provide to patients and practitioners in primary care, the report highlights a wider opportunity for public services to gain a greater understanding of their take up of innovations, and use this information to improve, adapt and change.

Jo Casebourne, director of public and social innovation, Nesta, said, “Advances in treatment options and new IT processes need to be taken-up and used by GPs if we are to improve the quality of NHS care. Now it is easier to see who is doing what and where in our public services thanks to the greater availability of open data. This knowledge is powerful. It will allow those working in healthcare to make real changes and will help us all to encourage more doctors to take-up tested new ideas.”



Notes to editors

For media enquiries please contact Christine Crowther on 020 7438 2611 / [email protected]

The report is co-authored by the Centre for the Advancement of Sustainable Medical Innovation (CASMI) and was supported by Mastodon C.

Nesta is working with the ODI to explore how open data can be used to create innovative and sustainable solutions to social challenges. For more information on this challenge visit: http://www.nesta.org.uk/project/open-data-challenge-series