About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Website: www.frameworks4change.co.uk

In 2004, Andy Bradley established Frameworks 4 Change with the mission to create and sustain consistently compassionate caring environments for older people (including those with dementia), people with mental health issues and people with learning disabilities.

Andy's vision is for guaranteed compassion in all health and social care in the UK. Growing up, he spent considerable time living with older people in the care home set up and run by his parents. A warm, family oriented environment meant there was a sense of adventure, curiosity, optimism and compassion.

After leaving home, Andy went on to care for people with a range of needs and observed a common culture and practice very different to his childhood experiences. Seeing the gap, Andy established Frameworks 4 Change with a vision to recreate the world he grew up in.

Frameworks 4 Change works with care provider organisations in not-for-profit and private sectors as well as local authorities and the NHS. The primary focus of the work is embedding a compassionate approach which shows that everyone matters.

The organisation teaches powerful compassion coaching methods to patients/residents, family members, care givers, trainers and managers in order to sustain the qualities of care which matter most to people.