Future-proofing: how can the Future Generations Act transform Wales? - 7 May 2024 11:00 – 12:00

The next generation faces a number of significant challenges, from the effects of climate change to economic uncertainty and concerning health trends. Our political system often favours short-term, reactive thinking - but if we want to create a better future we need to act now.

To pave the way for a better tomorrow, the Welsh Government established the Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015, a pioneering legislation that required public bodies to think about the long-term impact of their decisions and set out a vision to make long-lasting positive change in Wales.

As the Act approaches its 10th year, Future Generations Commissioner Derek Walker joins us to talk about progress and the work that still needs to be done, on 7 May 11:00-12:00 GMT with Head of Nesta Cymru Rob Ashelford.

Derek Walker, the second-ever Future Generations Commissioner, assumed office in March 2023, calling for urgent and transformative change. As he approaches his one-year milestone, Walker aims to guide public bodies towards decisions that not only benefit the current generation but also safeguard the needs of those yet to come.

Why you should come

At this free online event, Derek and Rob will explore the role of innovation in tackling society’s greatest challenges, how to overcome the barriers that prevent progress and how to turn ambitious missions into real action.

This event is for anyone interested in public policy, future thinking and long-term governance.



Derek Walker

Derek Walker is the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales. Previously CEO of Cwmpas, the UK’s largest co-operative development agency, he worked to support people and communities to create jobs and strengthen communities and changed the organisation’s focus to development that meets the needs of current generations without compromising the needs of future generations.