About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Showcasing the jobs innovators

May 2019 - Please note: the Jobs Innovators site has now closed and links to it have been removed.


Following on from the publication of our Making It Work report, we've continued to explore the ways in which organisations and individuals are innovating to create jobs and tackle worklessness. We've now gathered all the examples we've come across together on our living map of jobs innovators, which we hope will become a thriving picture of what's happening and what works.

Making it Work assessed the current approach to tackling worklessness and made the case for more innovation in the jobs market. In particular, it called for more experimentation around ideas, more of a focus on evidence of what works, and more debate around how new and successful ideas and approaches can be taken forward. Therefore, we're really pleased that since publication we've come across and been approached by numerous examples of private companies, government bodies, charities, social enterprises, and individuals doing interesting things differently in the labour market.

The examples in our report plus those we've come across since comprise a really great body of evidence and ideas that we wanted to share and develop, so we've launched the Living map of jobs innovators as a live resource to keep the debate we've started going.

We should say that this living map is not an original idea: we've borrowed heavily from the excellent living map of ageing innovators recently launched by our ageing team (indeed, you may spot one or two examples on both sites).

The living map of jobs innovators tells the story of the most exciting things happening in the world of job creation and tackling worklessness at the moment, and it allows you to search examples and ideas by theme, category or keyword, in order to hone in on the things you're particularly interested in.

For example, you can explore jobs innovations the centre on supporting entrepreneurship and enterprise, or that make use of technology in the services they deliver. Or you can browse innovations that have gathered a particular level of evidence of the benefits they bring. Or you can focus on innovations that have reached a certain stage of development - from those that are only ideas at the moment to those that are achieving growth and scale.

We've added 80 of the good ideas we've come across already, but this is just the start. We want you to add more and to comment on those already on the site so that we can find and showcase the next wave of jobs innovators and continue to push the debate around creating jobs and tackling worklessness forward.


Laura Gardiner