We're all innovators now

User-led innovation is on the rise. This policy briefing examines ways the UK can harness this new wave of invention and creativity.

User-led innovation is on the rise. This policy briefing examines ways the UK can harness this new wave of invention and creativity. 

Key findings

  • User-led innovation can create significant commercial value, and is growing in importance
  • Users are changing the rules of innovation: it ranges from giving feedback and support, to creating entirely new products, services and systems
  • However, UK policy has only just started to recognise the value of user innovators
  • In order to develop world-leading policy for user-led innovation, government should take steps including establishing a User Innovation Forum and ensuring the R&D Tax Credit explicitly encompasses user-led innovation


New digital technologies have accelerated user-led innovation.


In recent years, the exponential growth of ICT has facilitated widespread access to information, eroded geographical barriers and provided a global platform for collaboration.


But if the UK is to harness this new wave of invention and creativity, it needs to develop world-leading policy to support it.