Foreign Direct Investment and UK Suppliers

This report assesses the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the level of innovation among their UK suppliers.

This report assesses the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the level of innovation among their UK suppliers.

Key findings:

  • The impact of FDIs on suppliers was greater than the impact of UK-owned businesses. FDI companies are more likely to have innovated in the past three years than their UK counterparts.
  • Overall, the main barriers to suppliers, in terms of innovation and making adjustments, were the cost and availability of finance for innovation, and the risks associated with innovation.
  • FDIs can also have an impact on the wider innovation system through their liaison and interactions with other organisations. 

The aim of this Nesta-commissioned research was to provide policy-relevant information on the effect of FDI on the levels of innovation in the supply chain; for example, improvements to R&D practices and skills for innovation. 


A key issue for policymakers is the innovation transmission mechanisms used by FDI and the responsiveness of the suppliers. A related aim of the research was to broadly benchmark the practices of UK-owned businesses against the impacts of FDI.



PACEC and Nesta