About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

A central theme of China’s 2017 AI development strategy is that AI can help improve public services and governance, and this has created significant opportunities for public sector innovation. Local governments and authorities, research institutions and tech companies are making rapid progress in pursuing AI projects that address real-world problems, from medical imaging for disease diagnosis to smart city applications for the improvement of transport and urban infrastructure. Such applications have tended to be overlooked by analysts outside China, who too often default to narratives about authoritarianism or the foreign policy implications of a global AI arms race.

This essay collection aims to offer policymakers new ideas that may inform their own practice, by tapping into China’s experience of AI in public services. The essays – written by experts on AI innovation in China – offer detailed analyses of China’s development and use of AI technologies, examining the impact on public service delivery and society, and considering what can be learnt.

While each essay represents the views of the author and does not necessarily reflect the position of Nesta, we hope that the collection as a whole will offer a nuanced understanding of public sector AI innovation in China - challenging misconceptions, highlighting promising approaches and applications, and cautioning against problematic uses.


Hessy Elliott

Hessy Elliott

Hessy Elliott

Senior Analyst, A Fairer Start

Hessy was a senior analyst in the fairer start mission.

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