About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Introducing the Rapid Recovery Network

Today we are excited to launch the Rapid Recovery Network, a key and important element for the next phase of our Rapid Recovery Challenge.

For the past four months, 14 innovators have been hard at work developing and iterating their solutions to best meet the needs of the challenge's target audience:

  • those in insecure work;
  • those in low paid work;
  • and younger people

who have either lost their jobs or who may be at risk of losing their jobs.

The innovators have been developing plans and fine-tuning their tools in readiness for an intensive scaling campaign this spring.

To support the innovators in their scaling endeavour we are today announcing our Rapid Recovery Network. We are calling for organisations of all shapes and sizes to join us in helping get these innovative and intelligent tools into the hands of people and communities whose jobs and finances have been most affected by the pandemic.

Organisations that join the network will become part of a very practical and tangible piece of the recovery puzzle and will be able to offer the people that they work with tried and tested tools and services which will have a tangible impact on their lives. 

It takes two minutes to sign up to the network; organisations that join will be invited to a demo day to hear about the tools and provided with materials to facilitate ease of sharing tools with their audiences.

Leading the way are our recently funded Community Outreach Grantees: The Big Issue Group, Do it Now Now, and Youth Fed. Each of these not-for-profits will receive grant funding from JPMorgan Chase to work closely with our innovators and make bespoke plans to get innovators’ tools into the hands of their audiences.

We believe that bringing together like-minded organisations with intelligent, impactful and human-centred tools can have a large scale impact on the job and financial consequences of COVID-19.  To find out more about the tools, be invited to our demo day and receive resources to help you share these innovative tools with your end-users - visit the Rapid Recovery Challenge website and sign up to become a member - it takes two minutes!


Karmel Edmonds

Karmel Edmonds

Karmel Edmonds

Programme Manager, Challenge Works


At Challenge Works, Karmel is part of the Rapid Recovery team and leads on the innovator journey, programme delivery and communications.

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