About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

In this future, people are obsessively integrating data from all aspects of their lives and trying to find as many ways as possible to collect and consume data.

The personal data marketplace is booming. In the same way that people used to obsessively diet, people are now obsessively producing data or doing all that they can to fake it. This has extended to the clinical environment too. Once it became known that data is more valuable to third parties if you suffer from multiple diseases and take multiple medications, there was a surge in diagnoses of chronic conditions.


Cumulus is your ultimate data-collection kit. It helps you find easy and convenient ways to quantify yourself and to generate and collect data. It also has the potential to create and amplify symptoms or illnesses. With Cumulus you can generate more data than ever to be invested on the data market. Pharma Pro illness patches amplify or create an illness. The Home Hack sensors can be added to the common MediHex device to collect any data that is usually lost.

  1. The Breath Device - attach this under your chin to ensure data is collected through every breath
  2. Pharma Pro patches diffuse germs into the skin and create infection and disease
  3. Your personal device has an encyclopaedia of all medical conditions and also provides a place to track and store data
  4. Health Strips can be used to decipher what illness you have contracted and to what extent
  5. The Home Hack sensor kit enables you to collect data at any time and anywhere. You can set up new channels for data collection.
Parts of Cumulus wearable health data prototype

Parts of Cumulus health data wearable