About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Website: inclusivemosqueinitiative.org
Twitter: @inclusivemosque
Location: London, UK

The Inclusive Mosque Initiative’s campaign, Raise your Gaze - a tongue-in-cheek reference to the Islamic expression lower your gaze - explores how marginalised communities can be included and promoted through Islamic principles.

Inclusive Mosque - Raise your gaze

The campaign involved a series of seminars and workshops with key speakers addressing a range of issues from gender variance and sexual diversity, reimagining justice and feminism, all from an Islamic perspective.

Inclusive Mosque Initiative Trustee, Naima Khan says: “If propriety is our main concern we will miss out on a lot of things - we need to raise our gaze and open our eyes.”

The response to the workshops has been hugely positive with people from all generations attending and asking for more. The focus now is to "get outside of the London bubble" and host workshops in other parts of the UK, while also addressing the lack of wheelchair friendly, accessible venues.

“Mosques are public spaces and we are asking why are there these barriers and how can we include groups that have felt marginalised,” Naima adds.