About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

Female panel at event

Replay the sessions:

  • Acting now for future skills: The future of skills and employment: 10.10am to 11.55am
  • Andreas Schleicher analyses the PISA results: 12pm
  • Collaborative problem-solving and the PISA Tests: 12.10pm to 1pm
  • From playground to pension: designing policies for digital skills: 3.30pm to 4.30pm

We are used to hearing about the threat of automation and the ‘rise of the robots’, but less attention is focused on the skills required to thrive in a digitally-enabled future.

Our research predicts growing demand for ‘21st century skills’ - those which combine social and cognitive abilities - in the labour market of the future. But what does this mean for educators and policymakers now?

'Acting now for future skills', Nesta’s flagship education and skills event, brought together those who are working to improve our education system now - across the entire education pipeline - along with those who are thinking about the skills we will need in the future. Read the full agenda here.

Audience at event

Join policymakers, educators, frontline innovators, civil society groups, technologists and funders by replaying the live stream of the event and watch the speakers and panels discuss emerging trends in education and the practical solutions for developing the skills we will most need in the future.

Key themes and highlights:

  • Compare the UK’s performance in ‘collaborative problem solving’ with other nations around the world as Andreas Schleicher, Director of Education and Skills at the OECD and architect of PISA testing, unpicks the upcoming PISA test results in a video broadcast.
  • Question how policymakers, educators and industry should be supporting the development of the ‘21st Century Skills’, which our cutting edge combination of foresight exercises and machine learning predicts will become increasingly important.
  • Find out first-hand how practitioners are experimenting on the ground with novel approaches in a series of live innovator pitches.
Audience member asking the panel a question

  • Challenge the models of learning that take place in many universities and hear from institutions that are shaking up higher education with alternative structures, content and methods.
  • Unpick the dichotomy between ‘skills’ and 'knowledge' and hear about innovative approaches to bridge the gap.
  • Explore the potential of adaptive and algorithmic technology in the classroom.

Acting now for future skills ran from 09:00 to 17:30 on Thursday 30 November 2017 at Altitude (Millbank Tower), London.

You can replay the live stream of the event at the top of this page.

Audience standing at event

Image credits: Beth Crockatt

Part of
Future skills