A new design for learning

In this publication, the Harris Student Commission sets out its vision for the future of learning at Harris Academies.

In this publication, the Harris Student Commission sets out its vision for the future of learning at Harris Academies.

Key findings:

  • The Student Commission has spent two years looking into effective learning approaches in the UK and abroad, and creating a series of entitlements for learners and teachers.
  • The Harris Federation has committed to various activities, structures and processes in order for these entitlements to be realised. 
  • Individual Harris Academies will take forward the entitlements and opportunities in different ways, but every academy will work collaboratively with students and teachers, and will work in partnership with other academies to develop and deliver at least three of the opportunities to scale in the coming six months.

Launched in October 2008, the Harris Student Commission was set up as a research and development project to bring together hundreds of students and teachers to create a new design for learning across the Harris Federation.


The commission wanted to bring about:

  • significant and lasting changes to teaching and learning
  • a step-change in student engagement, motivation and learning.

Now two years after it began, the commission is publishing its new design for learning.


This is a set of entitlements and opportunities that the Harris Federation will take forward to ensure all learners and teachers in every part of every academy in the federation have consistent access to world class learning opportunities.

GoddardPayne in collaboration with students and staff from Harris Academies