About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

The Open Innovation Programme, part of the £10 million fund, has awarded funding for charities that are adapting and adopting existing giving innovations while demonstrating the most potential for scale and impact - all with the aim of overcoming major challenges facing the charity sector.

The nine projects from the 10 different charities are:

  • Age UK: a sharing platform that raises donations while reducing isolation in old age.
  • The Children's Society: real-time updates and transparency for supporters on the difference their donation is making to a local project.
  • FoodCycle: testing new ways to grow volunteer hub networks, building on models such as the growth strategy behind the Mexican food chain, Chipotle Mexican Grill.
  • Keep Britain Tidy: making it easier to share time, skills, resources, money and take action in your local community and at a national scale through the 'Love Where You Live Sharing Network'.
  • Marie Curie Cancer Care: developing a loyalty-based gaming platform, with free and paid-for games.
  • Mencap: developing 'Kids for Good' - a fun, easy and safe way for children to raise sponsorship from friends and family online.
  • National Trust: launching a family volunteering day, The Big Family Day Off, bringing together employee volunteering and family days out.
  • United Response: tapping into the cultural norm of gifting at celebration events to grow the giving of time and money through developing the 'Give Where You Live' platform where friends and family of the charity's beneficiaries to donate to their local service.
  • WWF and Scope: together, these two charities will apply social psychology insights to mobile giving and create a toolkit for charity fundraisers.