Exploring Nesta's work in creativity, wellbeing and impact, bringing together learning and case studies.

We held a breakfast event to explore Nesta's work in creativity, wellbeing and impact, bringing together learning and case studies from two current projects: Realising the Value and the Arts Impact Fund. This event formed part of the London Creativity and Wellbeing Week and was aimed at arts and health practitioners with an interest in increasing and measuring the impact of the arts in a health and wellbeing context.

Over the last six years Nesta has worked to support what we call 'People Powered Health'. This work started from an interest in the relationship between citizen and professional. We argued that this relationship needs to change from a passive user being ‘done to’ by a professional, to a partnership focused on what is important to the person, in which each has relevant knowledge to bring. We are particularly interested in how social networks and activities can contribute to health and wellbeing. And we recognise that creativity and the arts can have an important role to play in this expanded field of health and wellbeing.


Tim Plyming

Director, Digital Arts and Media

Fran Sanderson

Investment Manager, Arts Impact Fund

Johanna Ejbye

Senior Programme Manager, Health Lab

Phil Walters

Creative Minds, South West Yorkshire NHS Partnership Trust